
An entertaining start

Goldene Flammen - Leigh Bardugo

Goldene Flammen
von Leigh Bardugo

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Grown up as an orphan Alina is now facing her first trip into the dangerous Shadow Fold where it’s crawling with darkness and monsters. When her regiment is under attack Alina is not sure how she will survive this. But then she suddenly releases a strong magic that she didn’t even know she had in her. After her powers are revealed she gets to live in the world of the Grisha where she has to learn to control her powers. The Darkling believes that she is the only one able to destroy the Shadow Fold and therefore reuniting her country. As she learns more about her past she also discovers the truth that could endanger everyone she loves and also the world she is supposed to rescue.

This story was pretty easy to read and I kind of flew through the pages. In my opinion it could have used a stronger world building right at the beginning. It took me a while to really get into the world and how all the different characters fit together. Alina is the typical YA fantasy heroine. She’s an orphan that doesn’t know about her powers and she’s a mix of stubborn, nice and naive. That said I kind of liked her but she’s not a character that really impresses you. The Darkling on the other hand is the perfect villain. He just gives this dark mysterious vibe while being totally manipulating towards Alina in order to get what he wants. I get why she fell for him and his nice charade.  I’m really interested how their „relationship“ will develop throughout the rest of the series and what role Mel will play in all of it.

I think this is a good start into the series and I’m excited to see what the next book will bring us.