
Not my cup of tea

Das Haus /House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski

Das Haus /House of Leaves
von Mark Z. Danielewski

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

While I understand the appeal the book's otherness may have on many readers I found it overdone, boring and mostly a waste of my time.

Note: this review is for the English softcover edition.

I purchased the book a couple of years ago but then it became a forgotten relic on my shelf. One reason I postponed reading the book surely was its weight and size. The large softcover feels wobbly and uncomfortable to handle, so each time I took it out of the shelf I only dusted it off and put it back again. Until now. Inspired by a reading challenge, I decided to finally read 'House of Leaves' and find out whether my instant attraction in the past was justified. Sadly, it was not.
I never felt a connection with this book, most of the time I only wished to get it over with so I could say I read it and sort it out. The book combines several story-lines and only one of them was interesting (therefore two stars) - the rest I could have done without and therefore skimmed through a great number of pages. While I understand the appeal the book's otherness may have on many readers I found it overdone, boring and mostly a waste of my time. But I'm glad I finally have it out of my way.