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Under The Never Sky - Veronica Rossi

Under The Never Sky
von Veronica Rossi

Rezesion in englisch da ich das Buch auf englisch gelesen habe und somit die Eigennamen der Orte auf deutsch nicht kenne. Könnten die selben sein wie in englisch, weiß es aber nicht deswegen die englische Rezesion, hoffe dass ist in Ordnung.

Aria lives in Reverie, on of the Pods many of the human live now in. The word changed after "The Unity", the Aether is always in the sky. A never changing sky. The outside is deadly for people from the Pods. Full of diseases. Aria knows all this stories, also the stories from the "Outsiders". People living in the world outside. Cannibals, Savages, Monsters.
Aria is normally a girl standing at the side, but now she tries to catch the eye of Soren, the son of the Security head of Reverie. Only Soren can tell her why she has no longer contact with Blis, another Pod where her mother a scientist is a the moment. So she follows Soren to the Agriculture 6 unity that was sealed of. But Soren gets crazy almost kills Aria before she can be saved by an outsider and than she gets banished to the outside...certain death.
Peregrine, Perry is the brother of the Blood Lord of the Tribes, he gets inside on of the Pods in search for medicine. In the Pod he sees how a boy almost kills a girl. He stops him but now his problems jst start.

"Under the Never Sky" is the beginning of a triolgy playing in a really changed future. Parts of the humanity lives in so called 'Pods' entertaining themself in virtual realities, others live outside in the toxic world. Developing interesting skills.
In the beginning I was a bit sceptical. So may new distopic books came out in the last years, but this book really captivated me. It was good: fast written, an easy read with a few really interesting turns I didn´t expect. I can´t wait to read part 2.