
Not my cup of tea

Red Rising - Pierce Brown

Red Rising
von Pierce Brown

Bewertet mit 1 Sternen

DNF @ 23% - I just can't take it anymore

I have been soo excited to read this book and now I am deeply disappointed. I didn't like the book from the beginning and it didn't get better either.

I had serious difficulties with the writing style. I am reading a lot of English books of different genres, so I would say my reading comprehension is pretty good, and never it was as frustrating as with this book. It felt like I am reading my first English book. There were so many words I didn't understand but those words you don't find in a dictionary either. It was special vocabulary the author was using to "describe" the world. Hey Mr. Brown, you know also have to explain those things and now throw around smart-sounding words.

I never arrived in the world the autor wanted to create, the world-building is very weak and the characters aren't very likable either. The progress is very jumpy and I felt like nothing was explained.

I really wanted to like this book but it's boring as hell and I just want to read something else.