
‘More Than’ 5 Stars.

More Than Forever - Jay McLean

More Than Forever
von Jay McLean

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

“It’s the sunrise and sunset. He says it reminds him of our love. Because it’s eternal- the rise and fall of the sun. It’s forever. Just like us.”

More Than Forever is book four in the More Than series by Jay McLean. This is an emotional, hilarious, beautiful, heart breaking, and a healing tale of a first love, an only love, a FOREVER love. It’s a story of love, loss and hope. A story that will make you believe in real and true love.

We have grown to know and love Cameron and Lucy in the first three books of this series but we didn’t know their history, how they started. This book takes us back to when they were fifteen years old and first met. Cam and Lucy don’t have the normal high school relationship. They know early on that they are it for each other. Through all the struggles, loss and life’s challenges, one thing stays consistent. They have each other.

Cam Gordon is are PERFECTION!

I really really enjoyed the way their relationship blossomed from their teens and carried in to adulthood. It was wonderfully and flawlessly executed. You get the innocence of first love, the tenderness of a first kiss, the loss of virginity, the transition to college, new responsibilities of juggling school, work and a relationship.

Jay McLean navigates readers on an emotional journey. Full with plenty of ups, downs and shake ups that move you, whether it’s to amuse you, bemuse you or just shatter you in to pieces.

To sum it up...

This book was perfection.
This series is amazing.