
Maybe #2.

Maybe Now
von Colleen Hoover

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

“We shouldn’t revolve our lives around their possible endings. We should revolve our lives around the experiences that lead to the endings.”

Maybe Someday was never my favorite Coho book, but I did love Maybe Not. So I gave this one a shot and I really loved Maybe Now. This story is a follow up to where Maybe Someday ends. If you haven’t read that book, I don’t recommend starting this one until you do. However, it’s not necessary to read the novella, Maybe Not, in order to enjoy this one, though I did.

My goodness, this was cheese-galore but i loved it so much. I'm so glad this story continued on. I loved getting to know the characters more. It wasn't just about Sydney and Ridge, but the others too and it was great to see their awkward dynamic come into play and seeing them handling that.

Maybe Now takes place close to the end of Maybe Someday. In this book we get 4 perspectives.

It was really nice to get to revisit the characters from Maybe Someday. Overall I really enjoyed this free book. Ahh that ending was perfect!! I do wish we got an epilogue Of Vegas though. ;)