
I guess I don't really ... get it.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Zwischen den Welten, englische Ausgabe - Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
von Laini Taylor

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

"Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well."

Karou is not your average high school girl. Living in Prague, her family is not traditional. And neither is she. She is a girl that runs errands to an inhuman creature, Brimstone, who is the closest thing she has to family. She has blue hair and she is pretty much badass.

Akiva is an angel but not so angelic. He is a warrior and fights the chimaera. He is good and an obedient soldier but when he lays his eyes on Karou he makes an exception for her.

While I certainly acknowledge and even respond to some of the author's imaginative world-building, I can't really say that I went into raptures over it. I can't deny that the book is well-written and I can appreciate the opulent touches and occasional flights of fancy...but unfortunately, this wasn't writing that I personally found to be particularly deep or moving or meaningful. That's just my own taste.

A few times I considered having a break. I lost interest more than once and the pace was starting to drag. Not a good sign at all. Eventually something would happen and I'd continue. In all honesty, I wanted to like it, finish it and be proved wrong. It wasn't meant to be. I had so many ups and downs reading this book, ranging from pages and pages and pages of complete disinterest in the beginning, to complete enjoyment in the new type of fantasy world described, to utter boredom in the flashback scenes.

I did LIKE the romance. I didn't feel the spark instantly, but by the end of the book I just wanted these two to be together forever. Not because of their chemistry, really, but because they had a brilliant history together. But again that ending...Boooo!

I felt this book was way too stretched out, with way too much weird stuff thrown in that really didn't need to be there, and I definitely will not be reading the sequel.