
Enjoyable pageturner

So Close to You - Rachel Carter

So Close to You
von Rachel Carter

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I don't know why but I was expecting this book to be dystopian, so the beginning was bit surprising to me.
Despite my wrong assumptions I got very easily into this book and started to like it pretty soon. The story is very interesting and suspenseful, giving the reader a lot of open questions in the beginning. 
I liked the conspiracies within in the book and also the topic of time-travelling which I generally find very interesting.

I am not sure if everything was very logical but that were only tiny bits of the story and not very important for the story as a whole, so it didn't bother me that much.
The love story felt very instant and rushed to me, so I couldn't really connect with that one. I liked the characters although they were mostly a bit clishée.

Overall this book was a very enjoyable read and a real pageturner which has been hidden in myto read pile way too long. The other books of the series are already ordered and I plan to read them soon.