
Eagle Strike - Alex Rider 4

Eagle Strike - Anthony Horowitz

Eagle Strike
von Anthony Horowitz

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Alex Rider series:

Point Blanc
Skeleton Key


This book start with a flashback fifteen years ago, about an assassination of a man called Commander in Peru. Where the target is not important, but the two people who kill him.


The story continues with Alex Rider, still fourteen years old, on vacation with Sabina and her family in Marseilles/France.

As he is lying on the beach he sees Yassen Gregorovich, the assassin who killed his uncle. He decides to follow him.

He over hear that Yassen has been paid to kill someone, but he cannot decide if he should call police or MI6, especially after the last contact with police. Unfortunately the target had been Sabina’s father, luckily the father survives, but contrary Alex has been seen by Yassen.

The MI6 confirms the attack was planned and it wasn’t an accident, but they don’t believe Alex when is telling them that this is related to Damian Cray. Cray is a multi-millionaire, singer and charity person.

Sabina also doesn’t believe Alex, especially when he is telling her that he is a spy for the MI6.

So he starts his own mission, with the help of Jack who is the housekeeper of Alex.


I like this book because the information between Yassen and Alex relationship will getting more detailed, also it is more clear that the MI6 is not telling everything to Alex.


Looking forward to read “Scorpia”