
Another romance about the Corrigan Falls Raiders

Playing Defense - Cate Cameron

Playing Defense
von Cate Cameron

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Thanks to netgalley and Entangled: Crush for the ARC.

I liked this book a bit better than "Center Ice", the first book in the series but still "Playing defense" couldn't blow me away either, unfortunately.

Again I liked the setting a lot and again I wished hockey to play a bigger part in the book. I just couldn't feel the atmosphere and why everyone is loving it.

Throughout the book I was irritated several times with the changing of perspective. Somestimes I really had to concentrate who was telling the story.

Usually I am not a big fan of nerdy characters but I liked Claudia a lot. She was very cute and her behaviour and her purposes to change her life were convincing. Together with Chris she made a really cute couple. There were some really sweet and funny moments between them. I liked the wordplays they had together.
Even though they were really sweet together, I couldn't feel what drew them together and what they had in common. To my horror I sound exactly like Dia's mom here who I couldn't stand at all.

This was an entertaining and short read but unfortunately it couldn't satisfy me completely.