
Off Season -

Off Season

von James Sturm

A visceral story that you can see, taste, and feel. How could this happen? The question of 2016 becomes deeply personal in James Sturm's riveting graphic novel Off Season, which charts one couple's divisive separation during Bernie Sanders's loss to Hillary Clinton, Clinton's loss to Donald Trump, and the disorienting months that followed. We see a father navigating life as a single parent and coping with the disintegration of a life-defining relationship. Amid the upheaval lie tender moments with his kids-a sleeping child being carried in from the car, Christmas-morning anticipation, a late-night cookie after a temper tantrum-and fallible humans drenched in palpable feelings of grief, rage, loss, and overwhelming love. Using anthropomorphized characters as a tactic for tempering an otherwise emotionally fraught situation, Off Season is unaffected and raw, steeped in the specificity of its time while speaking to a larger cultural moment. A truly human experience, Off Season displays Sturm's masterful pacing and storytelling combined with conscious and confident growth as the celebrated cartoonist and educator moves away from historical fiction to deliver this long-form narrative set in contemporary times. Originally serialized on Slate, this expanded edition turns timely vignettes into a timeless, deeply affecting account of one family and their off season.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

graphische Auseinandersetzung mit schwierigen Zeiten

James Sturm nimmt den Leser mit ins Amerika 2016 - Trump wurde gewählt, wirtschaftlich ist es für den Protagonisten alles andere als rosig, und die Ehe zerbröckelt auch. Nach Klappentext "eine Love Story für unsere Zeit" - durchtränkt mit Trauer, Wut und Zärtlichkeit. Gemischt aus aktuellen Betrachtungen und Rückblenden erlebt man diese teils explosive Mischung von Gefühlen aus Sicht der Figur des Familienvaters, Mark, der Mühe hat, sich mit Jobs über Wasser zu halten.

Da alle Figuren...


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223 Seiten
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 4.5 (1 Bewertung)

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